Skilaboð til stjórnvalda í Ísrael

Sendiherra Ísraels bað borgarstjórn um að hitta sig á fundi. Sá fundur fór fram í dag. Á fundinum vorum við fjögur sem létum sendiherrann fá hvatningu um m.a. að virða mannréttindi Palestínumanna og hætta hernáminu. Það er ekki oft þar sem borgarfulltrúar fá tækifæri til að láta sig málefni alþjóðasamfélagsins varða þó snertifletirnir séu vissulega fleiri en við nýtum okkur. Reykjavík er auðvitað ekki ríkið en getur lagt lóð sitt á vogarskálarnir með því að mótmæla mannréttindabrotum á fundum, hvort sem það eru fulltrúar Kína, Bandaríkjanna, Ísraels eða Rússlands og eftir atvikum fleiri ríkja. Ég held að það sé full samstaða um það hér á landi að þeim skilaboðum sé komið til skila þegar við á.

Hér er bréfið í heild sinni.

Your excellency Raphael Schutz.

This is an entreaty to the government you represent to cease the occupation in Palestine, honour the human rights of the Palestine people, recognize the State of Palestine and act in accordance with all resolutions of the General Assembly of the United Nations as other councils of UN. It must be emphasized that the Israeli government is obliged to honour the Geneva Conventions which represent fundamental principles of international law.

The United Nations and other reputable international organizations have long expressed their deep concern about the human rights violations of Israel towards the Palestinian population in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. The United Nations General Assembly Resolution from 19th of December 2014 nr. 69/241 reaffirmed the right of the Palestinian people and of the population of the occupied Syrian Golan and stressed the urgency of achieving without delay an end to the Israeli occupation that began in 1967 and a just, lasting and comprehensive peace settlement on all tracks.

The Israeli government has to end all acts of violence, including acts of terror, provocation, incitement and destruction. Israel must also tear down the wall it has constructed in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including in and around East Jerusalem. The wall is contrary to international law and is seriously depriving the Palestinian people of their natural resources.

It should be noted that the State of Iceland recognised the State of Palestine with Parliamentary resolution on 29th of November 2011 as an independent sovereign state with national boundaries as before the six days war commenced  in 1967.

We want to convey a sincere wish for this prolonged war to end and that the human rights of the Palestinian people will be observed. That would truly be Israel’s greatest contribution to the world and to world peace.


